Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Stronger and Stronger

Well have not done a post for a bit. Have been busy, trying to work out a few things, to get what Buttercup and I want, seems to get harder and harder. Money is the big one, didn't think is was going to take this long, to get the papers so I could work, this puts a lot on to Buttercup. I can't leave the USA, plus I can't work without the papers. Yet people just seem to take their time, with what we need. The USA, will let some people work over here without the right papers and do nothing about it. There are people here working, driving and living without all the right papers, even killing and nothing is done, yet to try to do it the right way, all they do is mess you about and take their time with the paper work.

The USA government are just like any other government, laid back and tell you all the things you have to do and when they want them done by, then just leave you waiting, there is nothing you can do, to make it go faster.

The one thing is, the love Buttercup and I have just gets stronger and stronger. We try to take every day as it comes. I know the government try all they can to put you off, trying to make sure that what you have is true, not just doing it to get into the USA. I also know that a lot of things changed after 9/11, which it did all over the world, more in the USA and England. I was in the first Gulf war. You think that it would make it a bit easier, well no it does not. I just don't understand how someone can get in the USA without papers, work and live for years and never get found out. The USA government knows it is going on and do nothing about it, it's as if some people in the USA want it, lower wages and all that. Then when you try to do it all the right way, its like they say "ok, now we have all the paperwork off you and you have done all we have asked you to do, just go over in than corner and we will call you" what they don't tell you is just how long they are going to leave you waiting.

Well I just know that the love Buttercup and I have will get us over all this. When we do, we can live the life we both want, all that we are going though, will just makes us stonger and stronger, nothing will pull us apart, whatever they do. We will grow old with each other and be loved and be happy :)))))))))))))).........John

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

A Book

Well sat here, thinking if we could make all this into a book. Not that I am very good at writing, then the spellings, well think Buttercup will get me over that hurdle. Plus where would we start it? I just know what we have is so very special in every way and think it would be nice to share it, we have had to get over so many things and still have a few left to get over.

When I think of the times before I met her, how down I would be, how inside me I knew something was missing, oh I did what everyone does at the time, telling myself" things will get better" but as we know they never did. Plus how did I know they would get worse and they did, when I think of how low I got. Then after the very first time I talked to Buttercup online, I knew from then on, she was the one. Its no good asking me how I knew, I just did. She was my soul mate and I knew it, the fact she lived in the USA and I was in England, was not going to stop me, letting her know, just want she meant to me. I knew there was going to be lots of ups and downs, oh yes I know I could have got hurt, plus I know I was going to have to leave my kids behind. That is one hurdle that was going to hurt, I miss them every day, the hugs and loving, but I know deep down I am where I belong, plus I know my kids know that too and they are happy for me.

So how do you put all your feelings in to words? so it makes a book. I think it would make a great book, as its real life, none of it is made up, if you have looked at any of the other things we have written, you can see its from the heart. I just want the world to see, just how much in love we are, plus to give others hope.

Even now trying to think of how to put this into a book, just looking at my wedding ring, she's my wife, God, she's my wife. how happy that makes me feel, now how do I put that into words? Plus how to put into words how she makes me feel from the moment I get up to the moment I go to bed, how cuddling or just holding hands, how it just all fits, like we made for each other. Like how when we are cuddling, just never want it to stop, just want to spend my life cuddling Buttercup, when we cuddle, its as if the hole world is right. When I am with Buttercup my whole world is safe, I have someone that's loves me in every way I love her and more.

Well now you all know that we are thinking of making it into a book.......John

Thursday, May 12, 2005

Amazed at the Feedback

I gotta tell ya... I am amazed. Now I was expecting some feedback. I was expecting positive stuff mixed in with a lot of negative, but man oh man, I had no idea what a response we would get from blogging our lives and what we are going through having met online.

The outpouring of support is truly inspiring. Times can be so hard for us and most of it stems from the very fact that we DID meet online. The part about coming from different countries is hard enough, but it's the criticism that we sometimes get in the 'real world' (and I use that term loosely) that really wears us down. It appears that people who have spent any time online at all can appreciate the dynamics of the 'online world' and recognize the real accomplishments we have made.

Bottom line - I am tickled pink. I never really knew how many people would wish us well and take the time to comment or leave a message for us in our guestbook. It just amazes me. So much bad in the world and then you get this humongous ray of sunshine that comes from a place that so many who don't understand it call dark and dangerous. The fools. I won't go into that right now, but I love to argue with someone who calls the internet evil. lol...

John and I are still struggling, but we are being carried on the wings of those who care enough to recognize our struggles, sympathize with us, cheer us on, and take our message to others who don't believe that what we have is truly possible.

John, I love you babe, and I believe what we have will stand the test of time. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


Sunday, May 08, 2005

There is always hope

This is to the ones that think there is nothing out there. I have been there, thinking I was a failure, that I was going to grow old on my own. The times I sat there thinking who would want me, why would anyone want me? Plus I have seen people thinking everyone they meet is the one. The one thing I have found out about love is it finds YOU. Thats the beautiful thing about love, it creeps up on you and covers you. I do wish everyone in the world could find real love, but the world is not that fair.

As we all know finding Mr or Mrs Right is hard. I also think that many of us have given someone all the love, only to find out it was all one way. I think that is one thing that people never forget. The being taken in and the hurt. ( just laughing here, song just came on, one of mine and Buttercup's song Inside out, hahahahahahaha)

The thing is with on line, which Buttercup has said in one of her blogs "you can be who ever you want and no one knows" That is so truth. Going on line to find someone, is not a good thing to do, I'm not saying it a bad thing to go on line, just be careful. I think to find a relationship on line is very hard thing to do. When you think that they could be on the other side of the world, you can't just get on a bus to go and see them, I should know.

I think a lot of people try to hard to find love, just let it find you. You never know where it going to come from, it could be someone down the street, someone at work or someone on the other side of the world, may even be someone you all ready know. What you do have to do is love yourself first, once you love you, then you have a chance of someone else loving you. The best thing is not to rush anything, just take every day as it comes. If you do meet someone or start to talk to someone, just take your time, get to know them, the real them, the worst thing you can do, is think its Mr or Mrs right. A lot of people go on line to get away from the world they are in, plus a lot of people are not who they seem, never forget that. Just remember when you meet someone on line its not like meeting someone in a bar.

The big thing you after remember is you are not alone, millions of people are in the same boat as you, sometimes one or two of us get thrown a life jacket, without any holes in it, well Buttercup is my life jacket. She pulled me up and covers me with love, a love I didn't know could be real. I'm sure there is someone out there for everyone, we just have to learn to take our time, just look at how many things we miss in life when we rush. Like I have said "if you want someone to love you, you after love you first" Just never give up on hope.........John

Thursday, May 05, 2005

44 Today!

Well as you can see from the heading, its my birthday today. The day has got off to a great start, as Buttercup`s first day at her new job. The day has been great so far, Buttercup was leaving me cards all over the place, messages on MSN and yahoo. The best thing of all was waking up and being kissed by her, that made my day. Just to think of how far we have come, still have a lot to do.

The last week or so, me and Buttercup have had so much time with each other, got to a point last night, we need something from the shop. Buttercup was going to go on her own, we just looked at each other and we both went, hahahahahahaha. The more time we have with each other, the more time we want, we can't get enough.

I know people will think. People will say "well you two are in your first years" or "its all new" All I can say to that is this is real love. Its more than that, it's knowing you have your soul mate. When I think of how many things we have had to get over, the hurt we have had, its not been easy for us. We just never give up on what we have, even at times in the beginning. When we both thought it couldn't work or we couldn't love each other that much. We always came back to each other. When I think of the times I was back in England, I never at any time gave up on us.

I think the guys will know what I mean when I say this "now I am with Buttercup, I never think of looking at another woman. She's never off my mind at any time. I feel complete. She was the missing link in my life." Just hope that sounds the way it was meant.

What I am trying to say is "that she is my dream woman, my life and my soul, my mind and heart and soul are at peace, they are where they belong and that's with Buttercup" God I am in love with Buttercup more than anyone can dream of, Buttercup to you, I love you more than words can say, but I will every day try to show you and try to make every day a special one............... John xxxxxx