Thursday, September 15, 2005

So You Think You Want To Find Love Online?

Well, just wanted to update our progress. Happily, John is working full time now and lovin' it! He's working for a huge car dealership and while it does require he wear a tie everyday, he looks soooooooooooooo good, and is amazing at it! I feel like we have truly turned a corner and will soon be back on our feet financially which will take so much pressure off.

Hearing so many stories on the news of people who are awaiting their permanent status after a year or more is a bit frightening. We take so much for granted. ...and ignorance is not ALWAYS bliss. Especially when it costs you. Needless to say, we ask a lot of questions these days and keep our eyes peeled for news stories, articles, and other sources that mention anything to do with immigration.

I suppose the most incredible thing that has come out of all of this is still the fact that we keep waking up... looking at each other... and thinking "Oh My God! I LOVE YOU!" ... it is absolutely astounding to me to think that I spent so much of my life dreaming of a 'partnership' like this - always believing in the back of my mind that it HAD to be possible - and as the layers continue to come off and we see more and more of each other on a daily basis I can honestly (fighting tears here) without a doubt say that I have found the love of my life.

People still comment in the room about how awesome it is that we have met each other, and I can't agree more. But still, I would never ever recommend going into a chatroom to actually find the love of your life. I know, that's not fair for me to say in a way, but I can't help it. When I see all the failed attempts to recreate what John and I have found... the broken hearts... the dissallusion....the deception... it is like trying to find a real diamond in a vast field of crystals. The light can play on it, make the crystals appear to be the real thing, we all WANT that real diamond! So often we allow ourselves to believe we have it... clutched in our hands. Sometimes we don't even take a close look, knowing that we might see flaws that are easily seen with the naked eye.

The online thing is so strange sometimes. You have people coming in who are shy, afraid to speak, just watching. Others who have no fear because they know they are protected by their own screens, anonymous, and seemingly unreachable. Those are the ones who often prey on the rest, taking advantage of their naivity. Then there are those who come in, needing the conversation, just wanting to spend some time away from their own worries. They can share things online that perhaps their real lives don't allow them to share. It's an outlet... a very much needed one. There are angels in there, and devils, innocent bystanders, and souls with barely a thread of hope left, partiers, perverts, you name it. All in one place.. with different backgrounds and different agendas.

If you do not think about that when you go into a chat room you will be easy prey indeed. It takes time to get to know people, not a few hours, not a few days, not a few months... and when the people you are getting to know are 'behind' their monitors, you have to accept the fact that you are only really getting to know a few aspects of their whole personality. It's easy to be someone else. Very easy. Real life is so much harder.

Just keep that in mind if you are reading our blog and thinking you might like to find love online. It can happen. It DOES happen. A lot even. But don't think for a minute there is such a thing as 'love at first type'. It doesn't exist. You might find someone who shares your sense of humor, your level of compassion and intelligence, and perhaps not even be geographically challenged... but real love, will take a lot of dedication and certainty. That last bit, so important. The certainty. You gotta dig deep into your own feelings and refuse to ignore the warnings.

The most awesome thing you can do in a chatroom is to be open minded, friendly, forgiving, and realistic. Realize that people who visit chat rooms come in for a myriad of reasons and not everyone shares your point of view. Not everyone is looking for love.. or sex... or even simple fun. Some come in to vent, some come in to practice deception and to strike out at anyone for something that might have happened in their own lives. Just know that it's a place of many wonders.. it's highly (understatement of the year) addictive, and at times very dangerous.

Be careful... but don't be afraid to sit back and watch and learn and then contribute. You may be one of the lucky ones that goes in eyes wide open and manages to spot that rare and perfect diamond sitting there waiting just for you...

To close, let me just say this. I cannot believe how many people I have 'met' through that room. People who I think about on a daily basis, who are now a part of my life because I care about them, worry when they hurt, laugh with when they laugh, and long to hug in real life. You all know who you are, because I don't hold back hahahahahaha... right? I love you all, and feel so blessed to know you.

John, babe, you are my heart. I can't ever be apart from you now, my life is so in you, you have permeated my soul and remind me every day what true love is supposed to feel like - livin' it and lovin' it.

I love you John.

Christine aka Buttercup