Saturday, September 01, 2007

Progress Report September 1, 2007

Ok, someone told me I needed to update this. So here goes. Where are we now?

Oh boy, where do I begin? Life is good, take that back, it's awesome. We're talkin' found the pot at the end of the rainbow kinda stuff. Know what I mean?

Now don't get me wrong. Every rainbow requires a little rain and we've not only had our share, but we still get rained on from time to time. Sometimes it's a downright downpour. But I'll take it. When the good's good, it's REAL good. We've got an awesome umbrella.

Enough with the metaphors. We have been way too busy living to take the time to document it and I apologize to some degree for that. I do realize that our experience has given hope to some, confirmation I guess. A bad thing can pave the way for a good one. We are both working hard, trying to get ahead financially like the majority of the population. Failing miserably, also like most of the population. But we're not giving up. We've got too much yet to accomplish.

It seems like forever ago that we were standing in that 'storage room' in our street clothes making our union legal. (I'm smiling now)

Wow, I guess it's official then. We're making it. We're thriving in the impossibilities. Things have actually become sorta 'normal' for us. In a good way. We have a lot of drama still. Mostly stemming from the fact that I have an ex who still tries to control my life --- well, again, like so much of the population. We are motivated by our kids however, and they give us such joy!

Ok, you've got the gist of it. We're fine. Moving ahead. Full steam.

Now I can get some sleep. (smiling again)

Best wishes for all of you.... Buttercup

Saturday, February 03, 2007

February 3, 2007 ... Still Here!!!

We are still here.. still in love, still amazed at what we have done... and still thinking about that book. Would you read it?

If we started out with where we were when we first found reason to even get online, and realized there IS more out there, would you be interested?

Consider this. Millions of people find themselves at a point in their lives where they think to themselves, 'Is this really it?' ...they look at their options... they KNOW that others spend countless hours wasting their time online just looking for someone to spend a little time with... hoping to find the one thing they crave... misery loves company. Wait, did I say 'wasting' their time? Hmmm Maybe not. Maybe there is something to being able to connect. Connecting with someone, near or far, has always brought joy to well anyone. Finding someone who just simply 'gets' you just brings a smile to your face even now. Admit it. Yeah, you have to wade through a lot of junk, but the antique dealer finds that really rare find now and then and it's all worth it. LOL I'm not an antique... but I personally get the point.

It's the same thing in all aspects of life and yeah, you can claim the ole "Ya gotta kiss a lotta frogs" theory and apply it if you have to. But it's true.

Here we have the newest resource. The most misunderstood and demonized resource. Something that can be at once beautiful and sordid. A venue for the wicked and the wondrous. Naive and predatory. Been to a bar lately?

Point is this. New stomping grounds, new prey - opportunity - hope. Just realize one thing. Of those three options, someone is seeing it the same way as you are and whether or not you will connect with that person may be a crap shoot and CAN be devastating if you are not savvy enough about life in this day and time to recognize dangers... but on the other hand....

Imagine you ARE savvy enough to weed out the mindless chatter and happen upon someone who presents that very thing you are seeking... a listener... a connection... a true heart... someone who needs as you need ... and is WORTHY.

Now you have something. Rare as anything you ever imagined. But possible.

Maybe you rather try the lottery? Might be a good idea.

Ever hear about stories where someone makes millions with a simple enough idea and you think 'Why didn't I come up with that?' ... well. It takes commitment and courage and honest-to-goodness smarts. You can't just go in blindly and think it will happen to you if you wade throught the muck long enough... (DUH)

But damn, if it just wasn't possible you could let it go.

Now to the good stuff.

Not only is it possible, but it happens every day. To the wise. To the relentless. To the hopeless romantics that go in with eyes WIDE open. Do you posses those qualities? If yes, forget the negative, watch carefully for the good, the true, the honest faults and the reality.

We found it. It happens. It lives on. We are more blessed than one can possibly imagine. But you better imagine it. Or it may never ever happen to you.

I'm inspired by John and I spending an hour or so talking about why anyone would want to read a book about our humble lives and our tumultuous struggle... and our utimate endless love and state of assurance ... we did the right thing. We are together... still... and testifying every day to what can happen. If you only believe and use your head... and never give up.

Try it.


Buttercup aka Christine