Friday, February 11, 2005

Is it hard to make it work

Well even now me and Buttercup are engaged and still have a long way to go. In the start it was hard. Can you love someone 3500 miles away? Can you believe what they say? Are they who they say they are? All these things go through your mind. Can this be for real? Well I know at times with me, that I did try to ignore it and tell myself that I didn't love her and that I was just being daft. Oh yes I gave her a hard time. Put the phone down on her. Wouldn't answer my phone. Wouldn't go on line. Wouldn't answer her e-mails. Come on, at first who is going to believe you can love someone that far away? And people will tell you it can't happen, God they know best don't they? Even when you know you love them, Do they love you the same way? Plus its too far, Too different ways of life, Different ways of thinking. When you have been lied to before, So many times, Why shouldn't this be any different? How do you know you can trust anyone any more. Never mind the person you think you are in love with. When you have been hurt so many times, You think everyone is out to lie or hurt you , So you trust no one. It is hard so many things to get over, Travel is a big one, not as easy as it sounds, money, work, family just to name a few. All I can say is I went with my heart and once you have the love, The rest can be worked out...........John

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