Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Just Need to Write

I don't know how to start this or how to write it...when I think of where I am in my life.....I think about how much I love my kids and I love all of them so much, miss them too. Just want them to know I love them and want to hold and hug them. People with kids will know what I mean. When I think of the times I would have with them.

No1 has her life, but she needs her dad when she is hurt and needs to know she's always my spud( my nick name for her). No2 is the one who in the last few years we have gotten close more and more...she has kids of her own now, 2 of them. When I think of the times we have been with each other and when I was down and out she was there to help me (was her that got me talking to Buttercup, lol).

No3, my son, what can I say about him, he's just always been there at the times when I was down...thinking I was on my own... he was there. At times he was my kick up the butt. He never let me forget just how much he and the girls loved me. I want them to know just how happy I am and that I will always love them and hug them every chance I get. Most of all I think about them every day, trying to think about what they will be doing.

The one thing I know is that my kids want me to be happy and that's one thing Buttercup does is make me happy... how she makes me happy (smiling here). When someone like Buttercup comes into your life it just lights your world up. She lets me be me. It was only last night I was saying to her "we will not live long, because of all the laughing and fun we have". I never at any time in my life had so much happiness as much as we do.

when you think of all the things we have to get over, I just know we will, because we were made for each other. Me and Buttercup did this site so people can see how we feel and the things you have to get over... that if you love someone wherever they are, whoever they are, go for it. If you love someone or if you think you do, don't be put off, let them know and don't let anyone or anything put you off. If you do tell them and they don't want to know, believe me you will feel better about it all, because you will not sit there saying 'wish I had told them'. Plus they may feel the same way, but they are to shy. How many time have you seen 2 people meet years after and talk, then one says "why did you not tell me the way you felt? I felt the same way." but its to late then. So if you do love someone tell them and show them you love them..........John

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