Playing in Tennessee. We had the kids out on a sunny day playing Soccer/Baseball and even had one of the neighbor kids join us... it was a ball... (lol, no pun intended)...

If you have spent any time at all in an irc chat room, on msn, yahoo, aol, or any of the other multitude of online sources for live conversation, you have surely seen it... love flourishing... or is it? Is it all just cybering? Well, we are living proof that true love CAN be found online... pure and beautiful... through fire and flame...
Some nice things other people have said...
amazing. inspirational. beautiful. unique. I'm out of words...
write ur book. I'll be the first to buy :) - Marina
John and Buttercup.. glad things are picking up for the two of you. You both have came such a long way. Love you both, thanks for being there. Love you two... always have.. ladyusa
I love happy endings and your story certainly has one. I wish you both the best. My husband and I are from different countries and we've been married for the past 15 years. Love can happen when you least expect it :-). I'll have to watch Love Actually. I've been meaning to but never got round to it. - - - I met my best friend online. We've been friends for a long time and have coined a new word for each other -- heartfriends. - - - The internet is a wonderful thing - Audry (AKA Amethyst)
Good luck! Things will owrk out in the end -- you 2 were meant to be together! - kb
Sometimes you can fall, but keep your head upright. Your situation reminds me of my sister-in-law Catrin in Canada. For her as German it was all hard in the beginning. But she managed it and is still there. Good luck - Konrad
i have to say you all look wonderful seems you had a fantastic time food looked great btw LOL hugsssssssssssssssss n xxxxxxxx to you all
thank you for sharing and making the people even more real i can't wait until i get to meet all these wonderful people in Toronto
xxxx Dianne^ :))
Hugssss N SMOoooOooCHIES,
Shebs here... NOt SHEB's SHEEBS...lol and a... how come there's not pictures of JOHN wearing the slippers he so loved and violated in unspeakable ways? hm?hm?hm? Just pondering... lol Love you and had a wonderful time it was soooo worth it! Lubs ya both! Shebs
lololol sorry shebs still dont say it right... just wanted to say what a great time and we need another soon!! btw Twitch and be^Twitched.... love your writings on the site... very nice and good luck to you both love yall.. dwskwared
I know just how you feel, Buttercup~~it's the way I felt when I met my guy~~Came at a time I wasn't looking for anyone~~and we met in a chat room as well~3 years' ago in March. I knew I loved him~~And his finally being able to call me his girlfriend~and refer to himself as my boyfriend~is a big step for him. It's going a bit slower with us than with you and John (and we're closer to boot!!)~But we're working on it. I wish all the Best for you two~~God Bless.
awww 'm so glad that you are both happy...buttercup i've never seen my dad this happy in 22 years thank you for making him so happy i love you both love carrie xxxx
the best thing that ever happened to him, god only knows if we hadnt shown him that chatroom lol
love aaron xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
John, you're a very lucky man. Your blog, and your love for her, is inspiring. - Ali
Thanks for the kind words Christine - I'm going to put up a link to your blog on mine.
You two make a very nice couple...I'm so happy for you.
Kathy F.
Well honeys - you asked me my opinion - you know me - you gonna get an earfull - ROFL..........
What you have found .... is in more ways than one - a miracle - a gift from God...... cherish it and honour it ...... and always know where it came from. Those were not hardships or battles.... those were Gods ways of making you both more sure and more prepared for your walk together in life. And the tears you both cried ..... were what created and moulded the pearls...... the pearls of wisdom. I never doubted that His will would come true.... but if we want to do His will.. we have to follow His time schedule .. not our own. And you guys did so I have no doubt in my mind you will have a stunning future together.... I wish for you ... a blessed future together ..... forever. Anthonette
aww ... you guys are so inspirational! my boyfriend and i are in a long distance relationship now, we ain't just in a different states. we're in different countries!
anyway, i wish you guys all the best!! *MuWaH* teecee!! - Ninna
Hi, just checking out your blog. You two look so adorable together =)
I met my boyfriend on the Internet too, we've been together for 4 years now, and next year we're planning to get engaged. So I guess finding love online IS for real. - estalia
This is an awesome site. I applaud you two, it is good to hear about such a wonderful, successful relationship that began in a way that many people tend to disapprove of--the internet. I have made a few good friends online and it's nice to see another good story come out of cyberspace. - Esther
Buttercup and John,
A reminder from the Dalai Lama: "Keep in mind that Great love and great achievements in life involve a great amount of risk" (From "Instructions for life")
Hugs, from wysiwyg
(In response to our writing a book) Hippy Monkey said - That'd be a good book, I would read it! - - - Two lost souls meeting on the internet, separated by an ocean and a shifting political global climate. However, they spend years fighting against the systems of tyranny and cast away their overcome their shackles of oppression to allow their true love to bloom, leading to a long, happy life together. - - - : ) There's your back cover!
happy belated birthday and this is one helluva blog/life u've got there... =O) - Evil Quava
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