Saturday, March 26, 2005

Just Loving You Buttercup

When I think of just how much I love you, at times it's just so overwhelming. Just the way you make me feel inside, so warm and safe, just so happy. Just loving you is so easy, it's not something I have to try and do, its just there insde me. The way I feel when I am not with you, just feel so sad and cold, as if part of me is missing. I know, just how I felt when you were not in my life and I never want to go there again.

Sometimes I feel as if it is a dream, as how can something as wonderful as this happen to me. You are just one in a millon, I just can't help myself at times, just have to touch you, have to keep looking at you, just to make sure I am not dreaming. When I look at you and see the beauty that is in you, as well as the beauty you are on the outside too. I never knew what love was until I met you, love is just such a small word, when I try to think of how much i love you.

When I wake up and see you next to me, my heart just lights up, just like the sun shining on a hot day. When you open your eyes and smile. the warmth that comes over, is just so hot. When you touch me, it feels like a warm breeze that covers my whole body. When you kiss me all the hairs on my body just stand up, my lips just want to never stop kissing you, the warmth of your kisses are just so sweet. Your smile just lights up my world, makes me feel so safe, it gives off such a loving feeling. I know the love we have is unconditional, no rules, just comes from the heart, my love for you is just so true. When I think of how happy it makes me to see your smile, to see you laugh, you just bring out the best of me. You are just so very very special in every way.............Just love you more than you will know, will just try to show you every day, just how much you mean to me..............John

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