Thursday, March 31, 2005

Not Going your Way

Some times, things don't always go your way, then you start to think, what else can I be doing or am I doing all I can? When you just want some good news, any news, even when you put the TV on and see the news. People are killing each other or kids are being killed or people are wanting other people to just die, what a mad world we live in at times.

Sometimes when you look at life and things are not going your way, I think we should all take a step back. Sometimes it's not because of you or its your fault. Sometimes it's because we may have to wait for others and no matter what you do, we can never change that. Some people may think they are weak or failing others in some way, may even think that they are being selfish or not strong enough. Maybe when we get that way, we should think of where we were and how far we have come.

Some people will say "that's life." Some will say "it's a test" some will even say "it's Gods will." I myself think it has to do with what you believe, as long as you don't let go of what you believe in, then you have every chance of being happy. Plus I think real love is one of the hardest things to find in life. If you have that, you have more than most. When things are not going your way, I think a lot of people forget what they have, we should all be happy for what we have.

When I am down and things are not going my way, I think of just how lucky I am to have someone as wonderful as Buttercup. I think of the times she was not in my life or the times when we were apart. Then I think of just how lucky I am to be with her and to know she is my wife. God how good and proud that makes me feel.

I know at times life can seem unfair for most of us, things go wrong or someone lets you down or there is not enough time. You can make all the best plans in the world. Life is not that easy. We all have to fight for what we believe in. No one is going to put it on a plate for anyone. So if you ever feel life is not going right for you, just take that step back, think of all the people that love you. And before someone says it to themself, those words we have all said "who loves me, who cares about me?"... Well let me tell you, someone loves you, even if you think there is no one, someone out there loves you, just never give up hope. When you do find them never let go and never give up ever............John


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Eddy said...
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